Monday, January 14, 2013

Primal Pizza

As you probably know by now I have made the giant leap from gluten free to Paleo.

I'm sure most people think I've gone crazy but I have already seen some amazing results from it over the past two weeks and, more importantly, I feel amazing. Over the past year or so I have learned that for as long as I can remember, I was bloated and tired feeling. Constantly, everyday, all day. After we switched to gluten free I suddenly felt a lot better most of the time, but I was still sluggish and bloated on most days. I read about Paleo and decided to give it a go, and I am so glad I did. I have been eating some what paleo since December, and full Paleo since the beginning of this year.

However, I am still human and I was still raised on SAD (the standard American diet) so there are some things I am just not willing to give up. Like pizza.

In December when I decided to go paleo I researched all sorts of foods that had been 'paleo-ized'. Pizza is one of the many that have lots and lots of recipes out there, redesigned to fit a different diet. Except all those recipes call for expensive ingredients, like different nut flours, that I just didn't want to go out and find/buy. So I decided to try to make my own version, which I will share with you today!!

My version only uses 3 ingredients for the crust: almonds, eggs and olive oil. Because it is almond based, it does have a nuttier flavor and the more eggs you add in, the more moist it will be but it will also start to get 'egg-y'. If you hate nuts or eggs, this probably wouldn't be right for you. This recipe isn't designed to be exactly like the pizza you are used to, it's designed to be a healthier version of a classic comfort food. If you are more concerned with having the exact taste and texture you are used to than eating healthier, chances are you aren't ready to fully commit to a healthier lifestyle. Just saying.

Before I share it, I will warn you that this is technically a primal meal, not paleo. I had decided before I made the switch to full paleo that I would have primal meals thrown in, specifically for pizza. Unfortunately, I do have a reaction to dairy so it's not something I will be having often. But every once in a while, it's totally worth being sick to my tummy for a bit ;-)

I also have no idea what the calorie count is in a slice of this is. I will say if you are counting calories, you should probably be weary of this. Almonds are nuts, and nuts, while delicious and healthy for you, are very caloric. One of the perks of paleo has been I no longer feel the need to count every stinking calorie. I know that as long as I am eating like a caveman, and focusing on eating only when I'm hungry, my body will get exactly what it needs.

This recipe is meant for a larger sized pizza. I make mine on a cookie sheet type pan so that we have plenty of leftovers for lunch the next day and for hubby to take to work. If you want a normal sized pizza, halve the recipe. This recipe is simple, but time consuming. I don't mind taking extra time to chop up almonds and roll out dough, but I have always preferred to make my own pizza over going to the store and buying frozen style.

Homemade is so much tastier!

What you need 

For the crust you will need 3 food ingredients and a processer.

4 1/2 cups of sliced almonds, 3 eggs and a drizzle of olive oil. You have the option of adding spices to your crust, I always do. Generally I use just an Italian seasoning, some garlic salt and oregano. You may want to play around with the eggs in your crust. More means a more moist crust but I have discovered anything over 3-4 eggs makes it too 'egg-y' for my liking.

How to make your crust. 

The crust process is super easy, but takes some time. Especially if you're like me, have a broken processor and have to use a personal blender >.<

Process/blend your almonds until they have the consistency of a flour or meal. Essentially you are making your own almond flour.

My almond 'flour' with spices added in.

Stir in whatever spices you want and then add in your eggs and olive oil. Mix until it's moist and doughy. I don't usually measure out the olive oil, I just slowly drizzle it in until I have a moist dough. 

Pizza Dough
Once your pizza dough is ready to go, it's time to get messy. The only way to roll this pizza out is to use your hands since the dough is very sticky. So wash your hands and dry them well. Take some of the olive oil and pour it on your hands, coating them well. Dump the dough onto your greased pan and pat it out into the shape you want. You can make a raised crust if you would like, but my family prefers flat-style crust. 

Once your crust is all patted out place it in an oven, preheated to 375. Let it bake for 15 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy. 

Toppings & Sauce

Crust might be important in making a pizza but it's the toppings that make it perfect. 

I like what I call garbage pizza. I throw all sorts of veggies and meats on my pizza, always. Usually I make a half-and-half pizza. One side will be just meat, for husband and daughter and the other side will have lots of veggies for my son and myself.

I also prefer to make my own sauce. I usually just use two small cans of tomato sauce, some onions and garlic and spices. 

I sautee the onions and garlic in some olive oil until fragrant and soft. 

Once to that point, I dump in my two cans of tomato sauce and some spices. The spices I use are about the same as I use in the crust. Garlic salt, pepper and oregano is generally all I will throw in. Sometimes I go crazy and toss in some Italian seasoning as well. 

For the rest of the toppings I just use whatever I want that day, or whatever I have on hand. This time I had three meats, turkey bacon, pepperoni and some sausage leftover from breakfast. I also had a handful of veggies, spinach, mini bell peppers and mushrooms as well as some banana peppers to put on top right before eating.

Putting it together

Once your crust is golden brown and crispy, take it out of the oven. It's time to put the toppings on! 

Put your pizza back in the oven until the cheese is bubbly and melted. 

Doesn't that look delicious?! 


What fun is pizza if you don't get to eat the greasy, crunchy garlic bread on the side?! 

Well, for us garlic bread is waaaaaaay off limits. However, I have a favorite snack from my pre-paleo days that fits right in with this primal style cheat meal. Baked cheese crispys!!

These guys are super easy to make, and very tasty! I put garlic salt on them this time to mimic the classic garlic bread side. All you do is put little piles of mozzarella cheese on a pan and bake it in the oven while the pizza is also baking. Sprinkle with garlic salt as soon as they come out and then carefully remove from pan with a spatula and transfer to plates. The key is getting them off the pan before they cool, otherwise they stick!!!

Serve with your pizza and enjoy!!!


  1. This recipe looks pretty cool. My boyfriend would love to try it. I like the idea of making my own crust and sauce is awesome. And I am curious to see how the baked cheese tastes... :-P

    1. I was a little skeptical of the idea of baked cheese, but it's one of my favorite treat snacks now! I should have known I would love it, I always love to eat the cheese that melts off and gets gooey on a pan :D

      Tell me what you think if you try out the recipe!! I'd love to know what people, at least people who aren't obligated to say the love it, think of it!
